You will get all the three(JavaScript + Python + C Programming) courses for Rs. 200
JavaScript + Python + C Programming
₹300.00 Regular Price
₹200.00Sale Price
- Introduction
- Why should I learn JavaScript?
- What is JavaScript? What can we do with it?
- How to make a web application dynamic? Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack
- JavaScript Engine
- Interview Questions Chapter 1 to 4
- Install Visual Studio Code
- First JavaScript Program
- Understand console.log()
- Specifications / Documentation
- alert()
- Overview of Data Types
- Program on strings Strings(Single, double, backticks)
- Variables, Keywords, Identifiers
- let, var, const
- Statements, expressions and literals
- Why is JavaScript single threaded? Synchronous and Asynchronous programming
- Comments
- Overview of 8 Data types
- Definition of JavaScript
- Interview questions from chapter 7 to chapter 18
- prompt
- Type conversions
- Operators
- Comparisons
- if (conditional statement)
- Suresh techs hospital
- Free bus pass
- confirm
- Logical operators
- Interview questions from 20 to 29 chapters
- Agile-Scrum-Sprint-Daily call
- Overview of functions, execution contexts
- Scopes
- Hoisting
- Recap of chapters 32, 33, 34 + Window
- Objects - part-1
- Objects - part-2 - dot, square brackets, function/method?
- Objects - part-3 - copy by value/copy by reference
- Objects - part-4 - Object.assign(), spread operators
- Objects - part-5 - Deep cloning
- Objects - part-6
- Objects - part-7 - Keys, values, entries
- Objects - part-8 - Property flags, freeze(), seal, preventExtensions
- Objects - part-9 - Prototypal inheritance, Object.create()
- Objects - part-10 - Symbols
- Objects - part-11 - in, hasOwnProperty
- Objects - part-12 - for in loop
- Objects - part-13 - Interview questions, property shadowing
- Arrays - Overview
- Arrays - push, pop, shift, unshift
- Overview of 50 chapters, What next?
- Overview of HTML & CSS
- Suresh Biodata - Project
- Practice session - 1 - Nenu JavaScript nerchukuntunnanu
- Functions in detail - parameters, arguments, rest parameter, difference between spread/rest
- Functions - Why functions are called objects? First-class citizens?
- Functions - Callbacks?
- Practice session - 2 - Counter application
- JavaScript Runtime - Call stack, event queue, microtask queue, event loop
- Lottery game – part 1 - Math.random(), Math.floor()
- Arrays - forEach, map, reduce
- Lottery game – part 2 - Dynamically create lottery boxes
- setTimeout, setInterval
- Lottery game – part 3 - Add an intense feel to the game along with sounds
- Online shopping app – part 1
- Destructuring – Object, Array
- Online shopping app – part 2
- find, findIndex, some, every
- Arrow functions in short
- Online shopping app – part 3
- Online shopping app – part 4
- filter
- Slice and splice
- Online shopping app – part 5
- Online shopping app – part 6
- Sort
- Online shopping app – part 7
- Deploy our lottery game
- Deploy online shopping application - Continuous deployment
- Final Project - Demo
- Final Project - Part 1
- Final Project - Part 2
- Modules - import / export
- Final Project - Part 3
- Final words
- Introduction
- What is Programming, Who Invented Python, Python Programming?
- Python Installation
- Internal working after submitting a program to computer
- Python Interview on 1,2,3 chapters
- Python keywords identifiers
- Python Statements Indentation Comments
- Python Variables & Constants
- Python Interview from 5,6, and 7 Chapters
- Namespace Scope
- Input Output
- Python operators
- Python Interview questions from 9,10 and 11 chapters
- Datatypes
- Control Flows
- Interview questions on Data Types, Control Flows
- Functions
- Python OOPS (All Concepts)
- Exception handling
- File handling
- Review, Program Flow, Using main function
C Programming:
- Introduction
- What is C Programming?
- History of C Programming
- Importance of C Programming
- First 3 chapters Interview
- What is Function?
- Write your First C Program
- Executing C Program
- Install Code::Blocks
- Basic C Programs
- Structure of C Program
- Chapters Interview
- Basic printf programs
- Data types and variables
- Typedef and enum
- Data types and variables in 6 minutes
- What is syntax?
- What is charset?
- Trigraph characters
- Tokens
- Keywords and identifiers
- Constants
- Printf in detail (Displaying output to the console)
- Scanf in detail (Reading input from user)
- Operators and expressions
- Typecasting
- Decision making and branching (if, if-else, else-if ladder, switch, goto)
- Storage classes
- Recursion
- Decision making and looping (while, do-while, for)
- 15 Simple programs for freshers
- (Program 1) Check whether a number is positive or negative
- (Program 2) Find number of digits in a number
- (Program 3) Reverse a number
- (Program 4) Find sum of digits in a number
- (Program 5) Print numbers from 0 to n
- (Program 6) Find sum of numbers from 1 to n
- (Program 7) Factorial of a number
- (Program 8) Factorial of a number using recursion
- (Program 9) Fibonacci series
- (Program 10) Fibonacci series using recursion
- (Program 11) Solid rectangular star pattern
- (Program 12) Hollow rectangular star pattern
- (Program 13) Half pyramid star pattern
- (Program 14) Inverted half pyramid star pattern
- (Program 15) Full pyramid star pattern
- Arrays
- Strings
- Structures
- Unions
- Pointers
- After 35 chapters